
carry the torch中文是什么意思

  • 单相思
  • 开战, 奋斗, 单恋



  • 例句与用法
  • And they are looking for volunteers to carry the torch
  • Mike is known for carrying the torch for animal welfare
  • I want to carry the torch for ms . yue
  • Each runner will carry the torch for 200 meters on chinese soil
  • Chinese nba star yao ming will carry the torch to ignite a ceremonial cauldron before a celebration at the palace , organizers said . he is one of 148 bearers in the beijing segment
    "中国nba球星姚明将带着火炬点燃仪式主火炬,随后是在颐和园的庆祝活动. "组织方说.姚是北京传递148个传递者中的一个
  • My favorite proverb from chinese culture is “ the beginning of wisdom is to call things by their right names . ” i hope that my carrying the torch will help others to appreciate the middle kingdom and call china by its right name : an engaging culture with extraordinary dreams
    我最喜欢的一句中国格言是: “公正的认准每件事物是智慧的开端. ”我希望传递火炬能够帮助大家更好地了解中国,正确了解中国最真实的一面:充满奇特梦想的迷人文化。
  • In the above - mentioned case of smallpox eradication alone , the agency accomplished in twenty years what the medical profession had not been able to achieve in the previous two hundred . for , although the smallpox vaccine was discovered in 1796 , it was only after the who began carrying the torch to eliminate it that the disease was finally wiped out in 1977
  • Christmas is the one of the year that carries real hope and promise for all humankind . it carries the torch of brother - hood . it is the one day in the year when most of us grow big of heart and broad of mind . it is the single day when most of us are as kind and as thoughtful of other as we know how to be ; when most of us are as gracious and generous as we would like always to be ; when the joy of home is more important than the profits of the office ; when peoples of all races speak cheerfully to each other when they meet ; when high and low wish each other well ; and the one day when even enemies forgive and forget
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carry the torch的中文翻译,carry the torch是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译carry the torch,carry the torch的中文意思,carry the torch的中文carry the torch in Chinesecarry the torch的中文carry the torch怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
